The Journey of Becoming with Sally Oddy

empowerment goal setting strategy women in business women supporting women Oct 18, 2022

In 2012, Sally had hit rock bottom - after several years performing at a relentless pace in a high-pressured international corporate and having suffered at the hands of a bullying female leader, her confidence had evaporated and she was truly experiencing burn out!

Sally decided to leave the corporate world behind to start-up her own Marketing Consultancy. It was an exciting time and she was able to hit the ground running, winning a steady stream of clients and enjoying her new-found freedom!

Over the years, Sally's calling to have a more meaningful impact in the world has deepened, and it lead to her pivoting her bricks-and-mortar coaching consultancy into being an online business coach!

Since then, Sally's insatiable love of learning and development has turned her traditional marketing training into being a powerhouse of online strategy, leading-edge tactics, and deeply powerful mindset work that delivers incredibly transformative results for her clients.

In today's conversation, we talk all about having the meaningful conversations in life, being comfortable with feeling our emotions, learning not to take ourselves so seriously, stepping away from the self-help section and what it means to be "enough". I hope that you join us in today's episode. 


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