Becoming You with Shana Recker

business coach coach evolving growth mindset life women in business women supporting women Apr 03, 2023
Shirlee Williams
Becoming You with Shana Recker

Today, I'm sharing my friend and business coach with you all. Meet today's guest, Shana Recker. 

Shana is a business consultant with a background in graphic design and expertise in Kajabi. Her passion for design started at a young age, and Shana soon realized that she could combine her artistic skills with her love for business.

As a graphic designer, Shana found a love for helping clients create beautiful brands. However, she knew they needed more than beautiful visuals - they needed a solid strategy to achieve their business goals. That's why Shana decided to expand her skill set and become a business consultant.

In today's episode, we talk all about our journies to becoming online entrepreneurs, why it's important to constantly be evolving, being okay with making business missteps, learning to stay in the present moment and so much more!


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